With little problem like this, looking for a solution is easy.
we all have our resources on the net to look for answers, howtos,tips,etc..
In just one click of your mouse, thousands of options from around the world pop out right in front of your eyes.
It's easy!
Yeah. Google it just how the world does it.
But listen closely.

When it comes to our deeper, more personal problems like our health, finances, relationships, marriages,failures and just about who or what we are, you cannot just google it like that.
there's no way you can find lasting solutions anywhere that can give you total peace, inner joy and security forever...
Yes. You may be able to get infos, tips or facts here and there. Or you can find answers.advices or quotes through your friends, loved ones or professional consultants anywhere but still
...it will leave you empty.
You can feel it.
Deep in your heart you know it.
Now, you may ask whom does the "right" solution comes from?
I wont keep your time so I'm gona say
It's from
J E S U S...
Feelings of anxiety, stress , depressions, frustrations exist within us .
You become like it because unconsciously you've thought and have embraced it.
You actually become what you feel and think you are.
Do you know that every little problem you have depends on how you think and how you react from it?
Do you know that...
the root cause of your problem is...
just somewhere lurking around in your mind?
Your mind has the power to shut every little thing down about you...your hopes, dreams and just being you.
Trust me.
Suicides are proofs that one single deadly thought can end precious lives just like that.
in this mad, fallen world. where anything stupid or crazy things can happen one must seek "Peace" to stand above it all.
Its the only thing that we need to have a grasp on.
How to have that unshakeable peace?
Just talk to Jesus.
While writing this, I'm about to lose my job. My boss has changed and some things have not been so right in the office. As a normal person, there will be alot of things to worry about.
But not me!
Know why?
Because I have an awesome savior
And thats Jesus!
He sets me free from almost anything that worries me by just talking to Him and trusting Him no matter what.
Yes. I advise you to do the same.
Just talk to Jesus.
Talk to Jesus about that little pain in your heart.
Talk to Jesus about that debts, bitchy boss, unreasonable colleagues, ungrateful brat thats ruining your mood or your life.
Talk to just just about anything.
He loves those moments when you call on Him for help.
Talk to Jesus about that little headache or "sledgehammer" migraine that steals the life out of you.
Talk to Jesus about how stupid you have been for hurting someone, or being that irritable person you think you are.
Even in disbelief or even if you find it funny or weird just believing in Him, tell him and let it all out.
Yeah. Just talk to Him.
Because it makes a lot of difference, I tell you.
Jesus. is the only way!
He is the BEST way!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone