Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Awesome 2015 with Jesus

This year let's shake the planet with Jesus' name.

Are you with me?

There is POWER in the name of Jesus!

When you feel weak, fearful or depressed just say, "Jesus....."

and all these bad, negative things shall flee!

Try it.

And make it a habit this 2015 and you'll see!

Happy New Year everyone!!!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Are You A Struggling Christian?

When you accept Jesus as your savior, you are forever saved. So thank Him for what He has done for you at the cross. 

Now, as we live each day. We still do the normal stuff as Christians. We eat, sleep,go to the gym, watch movies, lose our patience and get mad at something or at someone. 

That is totally normal. 

We know that as a Christian you'd be labeled as "perfect" Christian and then you start to get cautious of your behavior. You'd be doing a checklist of your what-to-do or what-not-to-do list. You'd spend time thinking and evaluating yourself all day, to check if you are still worthy of His love. Soon it will become a habit and will be so stressful on your part. You will find it's not healthy anymore. The more you see yourself as bad and not worthy of His love, unconsciously, you'd start going away far from Him. Instead of coming boldly to Him, you'd run away and find your own comfort zone.

As you know, you are not meant to live by watching or rating yourself all day, forever so you can be worthy of God's love. No. No. No my friend. God is not like us. Imagine if God is like us, we'd probably all go to hell. Being a Christian doesn't work that way. True Christians believe that God loves them so . Period!

God loves you so much. He sent Jesus as your redemeer for nothing. That's why Jesus keep telling you to come to Him and He will give you rest...not stress. 

I won't take this long for now.
I urge you to keep believing that God loves you so no matter what. 

So relax. Live life to the fullest with Jesus and experience victory 
all for His glory!

See you on my next blog. :)

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Eternal Glory

Problems in life are but temporary.
It will make you strong and be creative so just always take it on a positive side.
Do not fret, be stressed out or get swayed by it. You are not meant to struggle with it.
Because you have Jesus in your life, you are different. You are blessed. Hold unto His promises because Jesus will never leave you nor forsake.So just be thankful and say,
"Thank You Jesus , You are my strength. Amen!"

Enjoy today's devotional from
"Jesus Calling For Kids" by Sarah Young. This is an awesome devotional. Let Jesus talk to you everyday through one of these.

Good morning :)

We have small troubles for a while now, but they are helping us gain an eternal glory. That glory is much greater than the troubles.
—2 Corinthians 4:17 (ICB)

When you have a problem that goes on and on, with no end in sight, see it as a wonderful opportunity. An ongoing problem is like having a tutor who is always by your side. If you are willing, you can learn so much from your trouble.

Ask Me to open your eyes and your heart to all that I am doing through this problem. I may be teaching you patience or persistence. Perhaps I am strengthening your faith or your courage.

Then thank Me for the lessons you are learning. When you can be thankful for a problem, it loses its power to drag you down. In fact, your thankful attitude lifts you up into heavenly places with Me, where you see the situation from My point of view. This lets you see your problem as a small, temporary trouble that is helping you gain an eternal Glory—blessings that will never end!


Friday, December 12, 2014

Tithe Has Set Me Free

Used to ignore tithing. But when I learned that it's a way of honoring Jesus. Way of proclaiming that He is alive. I said wow!! I shall keep doing this. I prayed that I just don't want to be like a noisy gong, praising Jesus all day , saying halleluyaahs and all but then wouldn 't even give up 10% of my salary to God. I didn't like it so I prayed that revelation would sink in. And it did!
Now, it's amazing on how He is blessing me Big time!

From now on, I shall live to tithe. Forever!!!

Thank You Jesus!!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Being Holy Doesn't Mean Being Goody- goody

You surely know that your body is a temple where the Holy Spirit lives.
The Spirit is in you and is a gift from God.

—1 Corinthians 6:19 (CEV)

Take time to be holy. But how? Holy doesn’t mean being a goody-goody, or thinking you are better than others. Being holy simply means setting yourself apart for sacred use—My use.

Spend some quiet moments with Me. Let Me work in your heart and mind. I am re-creating you into the person I designed you to be.

Be sure to set aside enough time for just being with Me. Your closeness to Me will strengthen your faith and fill you with My Peace. It will also prepare you for the many blessings I want to give you.

When you take time to be holy, your heart becomes a clean temple of My Holy Spirit. He is able to do more in and through you than you could ever ask or imagine. So make time for Me. You won’t regret it.


With Jesus Nothing is Impossible

In this world, some people struggle to keep their finances stable, their name intact and their lifestyle always uncomparable.

There's nothing wrong with that. But if you become so engrossed in doing that, that would be unhealthy... To your body, mind and spirit.
You will soon come to realize, you are now subject to every person's ridicule and their demands would become a one-day target to achieve.

Life is like that when you give yourself away to the world and just let it flow wherever the current goes.

But not in Jesus...

You are blessed because you are in Jesus.

And when Jesus is in you,
You don't really need to become a superhero in the eyes of man.

Your ultimate goal is just to rest
and let Jesus be your hero.

How cool is that?

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Price Has Been Paid!

He himself is the sacrifice that atones for our sins—and not only our sins but the sins of all the world.

1 John 2:2, NLT

The Price Has Been Paid!

When guilt and condemnation weigh heavily on their conscience, many feel the need to pay for their sins. To appease the sense that they have failed, they punish themselves by mentally berating themselves repeatedly for their failings, and some even go so far as to cause injury or harm to their own bodies. And when things don’t work out in their studies, work or relationships, they tell themselves that they deserve the negative outcome. They don’t feel that they deserve to succeed in what they do.

My friend, the answer to our consciousness of guilt, failure or inadequacy is the cross. The cross declares, “Jesus, the sinless, spotless, beloved Son of God, died in your place. There is your punishment! He was pierced. He was cut. He was wounded for your transgressions. He was crushed so that you don’t have to be crushed. He died young so that you don’t have to die young!”

Our conscience is satisfied when we look at the cross and see Jesus Christ hanging there, suspended between heaven and earth. He who knew no sin became our sin, and He bore the fullness of God’s holy and righteous indignation in His very own person on our behalf.

When we look to the cross and realize, “There is my punishment. There is my death,” our conscience says, “Peace. It’s paid.” We don’t have to wound ourselves. We don’t have to beat ourselves. Jesus suffered it all for us so that we can have His every blessing and reign in life. He alone is the sacrifice that atones for all our sins. Hallelujah!

It's my Birthday. Jesus is Keeping Me Well

I just had an awesome birthday yesterday. 

At 43, I can say I am well-taken care of by Jesus. 

I  am healthy, peaceful , complete in Him. 

At this age, definitely I can truly say these words,

"I am complete in Jesus. "

This is what living in this world truly means. 

In Jesus you get all the protection,healing, pure joy and eternal peace all the way. 

It's just amazing!

Now this blog is full of thanks and gratitude. 

My heart is overwhelmed by His love. 

If you can browse through all my posts since day 1, you can tell how He has managed to deliver me from everything

Feel free to browse through and checm on my past. 


Jesus is indeed alive!!!

Today, I declare and will keep declaring
"God renews my youth like the eagle!"

So with long life I shall satisfy and glorify Him. 


Your Greatest Test

Have you blessed someone in the midst of your own storm?

You might say,  " I can't even calm my own storm. How am I suppose to do that?"

I say, just take out your eyes from your own storm and look at Jesus , your beautiful savior. Jesus, the alpha and omega is with you all the way so don't be afraid. He protects, delivers, blesses. And He never lies. 

So just keep trusting in Him. 
And start to look around you and bless His children too. 

Friday, December 5, 2014

What about this?

God's blessings are everywhere. 
Sometimes, your problems, stress might block them away from you but if you sit for  a little while, enjoy the fresh air that you breathe, look at your kids, dear friends, enjoying good health and lovin' the smiles of a stranger ...you will see that you are blessed. :)

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Always and Perfectly

Have you thank Jesus lately for everything that's coming to you?
Good or bad? Makes sense or nonsense? Inspiring or not?


Make it a habit to thank Jesus. 
Because it means coming bold to His words and promises no matter what. 

Don't just thank Him because you have 
bought a new clothes or gadgets or someone had fulfille your wish. 

Thank Him even when you're impatiently waiting for all the blessings that's going to manifest in your life. 

When you thank Him,
You declare that He is your Lord of your life and that nothing shall fear you. 

That's how you are suppose to live your life everyday. Don't get swayed on your problems and forget you have Jesus. 

Praise and thank Jesus instead,
and remember, you have an awesome Lord!

Enjoy today's message beloved one:)

Don't forget to Like and Share to bless others too. 

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Top 100 Praise & Worship Songs 2014

Big thanks to @DavidJones of youtube for uploading this songs.

Take note the screen is really blank. it's black but it doesn't matter.

You just need to sit back, relax , listen to these awesome collection of Praise songs of 2014

and be overwhelmed by Jesus' love.:)


This video is about Top 100 Praise & Worship Songs 2014

How Great Is Our God (Chris Tomlin, Jesse Reeves, Ed Cash)
Mighty To Save (Ben Fielding, Reuben Morgan)
Our God (Matt Redman, Chris TOmlin, Jonas Myrin, Jesse Reeves)
Blessed Be Your Name (Beth Redman, Matt Redman)
Here I Am To Worship (Tim Hughes)
Revelation Song (Jennie Lee Riddle)
Everlasting God (Brenton Brown, Ken Riley)
Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) (Chris Tomlin, Louie Giglio, John Newton)
Jesus Messiah (Chris Tomlin, Daniel Carson, Jesse Reeves, Ed Cash)
In Christ Alone (Stuart Townend, Keith Getty)
Your Grace Is Enough (Matt Maher)
Forever (Chris Tomlin)
Open The Eyes Of My Heart (Paul Baloche)
Forever Reign (Reuben Morgan, Jason Ingram)
How He Loves (John Mark McMillan)
You Are My King (Billy Foote)
Holy Is The Lord (Chris Tomlin, Louie Giglio)
From The Inside Out (Joel Houston)
Hosanna (Praise Is Rising) (Paul Baloche}, Brenton Brown)
Shout To The Lord (Darlene Zschech)
Come Now Is The Time To Worship (Brian Doerksen)
The Stand (joel-houston Joel-Houston)
Hosanna (Brooke Fraser)
Lord I Lift Your Name On High (Rick Founds)
Glory To God Forever (Steve Fee, Vicky Beeching)
How Great Thou Art (Stuart Wesley Keene Hine)
We Fall Down (Chris Tomlin)
How Deep The Father's Love For Us (Stuart Townend)
Days Of Elijah (Robin Mark)
The Heart Of Worship (Matt Redman)
You Never Let Go (Matt Redman}, Beth Redman)
Happy Day (Ben Cantelon, Tim Hughes)
God Of Wonders (Marc Byrd, Steve Hindalong)
Beautiful One (Tim Hughes)
Your Name (Paul Baloche, Glenn Packiam)
You Are My All In All (Dennis Jernigan)
Sing To The King (Billy Foote}, Charles Silvester Horne)
Lead Me To The Cross (Brooke Fraser)
I Give You My Heart (Reuben Morgan)
The Wonderful Cross (Jesse Reeves, Chris Tomlin, J. D. Walt, Isaac Watts, Lowell Mason)
Better Is One Day (Matt Redman)
Your Great Name (Krissy Nordhoff, Michael Neale)
Breathe (Marie Barnett)
Indescribable (Laura Story)
Give Thanks (Henry Smith)
Sing Sing Sing (Chris Tomlin, Jesse Reeves, Matt Gilder, Daniel Carson, Travis Nunn)
Trading My Sorrows (Darrell Evans)
You're Worthy Of My Praise (David Ruis)
I Will Follow (Reuben Morgan, Chris Tomlin, Jason Ingram)
Your Love Never Fails (Chris McClarney, Anthony Skinner)
Friend Of God (Michael Gungor, Israel Houghton)
Above All (Lenny LeBlanc, Paul Baloche)
Great Is Thy Faithfulness (Thomas Obediah Chisholm, William Marion Runyan)
Glorious Day (John Wilbur, Chapman, Mark Hall, Michael Bleeker)
Today Is The Day (Lincoln Brewster, Paul Baloche)
Stronger (Ben Fielding, Reuben Morgan)
I Am Free (Jon Egan)
Enough (Chris Tomlin, Louie Giglio)
10000 Reasons (Matt Redman, Jonas Myrin)
All Because Of Jesus (Steve Fee)
Our God Saves (Paul Baloche, Brenton Brown)
Give Us Clean Hands (Charlie Hall)
Draw Me Close (Kelly Carpenter)
Lord Reign In Me (Brenton Brown)
God Is Able (Ben Fielding, Reuben Morgan)
I Will Rise (Chris Tomlin, Louie Giglio, Jesse Reeves, Matt Maher)
I Love You Lord (Laurie Klein)
Shine Jesus Shine (Graham Kendrick)
Offering (Paul Baloche)
Agnus Dei (Michael W. Smith)
You Are Holy (Prince Of Peace) (Marc Imboden, Tammi Rhoton)
Marvelous Light (Charlie Hall)
He Is Exalted (Twila Paris)
As The Deer (Martin Nystrom)
You Are Good (Israel Houghton)
He Knows My Name (Tommy Walker)
Jesus Paid It All (Alex Nifong, Elvina M. Hall, John Thomas Grape)
God Of This City (Aaron Boyd, Richard Bleakley, Ian Jordan, Andrew McCann, Peter Kernaghan, Peter Comfort)
Worthy Is The Lamb (Darlene Zschech)
Victory In Jesus (Eugene M. Bartlett)
Sanctuary (John W. Thompson, Randy Scruggs)
Love The Lord (Lincoln Brewster)
Desert Song (Brooke Fraser)
Before the Throne of God Above (Charitie Lees Bancroft, Vikki Cook)
How Can I Keep From Singing (Chris Tomlin, Ed Cash, Matt Redman)
Majesty (Jack Hayford)
Awesome God (Rich Mullins)
All Who Are Thirsty (Brenton Brown}, Glenn Robertson)
Came To My Rescue (Joel Davies, Marty Sampson, Dylan Thomas)
Joy To The World (Unspeakable Joy) (Chris Tomlin, Ed Cash, Matt Gilder, Isaac Watts, George Frederic Handel)
One Thing Remains (Brian Johnson, Christa Black, Jeremy Riddle)
Wonderful Merciful Savior (Dawn Rodgers, Eric Wyse)
Hungry (Kathryn Scott)
Hallelujah (Brenton Brown, Brian Doerksen)
I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever (Martin Smith)
Awesome Is The Lord Most High (Chris Tomlin, Jesse Reeves, Cary Pierce, Jon Abel)
My Savior My God (Aaron Shust, Dorothy Dora Greenwell)
Emmanuel (Bob McGee)
Christ Is Risen (Matt Maher)
O Praise Him (David Crowder)

Joseph Prince - How To Pray When You Have No Prayer - 31 Aug 14

How do you call out to God when you don’t have a prayer in you? Let Joseph Prince show you how God doesn’t demand eloquent prayers, and how a heartfelt groan to Him for help is enough to reach His throne and bring His grace onto the scene! See from Scripture how God responds with healing and deliverance to the groans and sighs from His people. You don’t have to remain in sickness and bondage, or simply accept 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

New Creation Church: My Rest with Lyrics

My soul finds rest in You my Jesus
My hiding place amid the storm
In pastures green You lead me down to lie
By waters still I shall abide
By waters still I shall abide
I shall not fear for times uncertain
I shall not look to my own strength
Into Your hands I place my hopes and plans
My trust is in the blood of the Lamb
My trust is in the blood of the Lamb
A crown of thorns pierced through Your temple
The blood that flowed took all my cares
What price You paid, what sacrifice You made
My life in Yours, Jesus my rest
My life in Yours, Jesus my rest
Words & music by Karen Lim
Copyright 2006 New Creation Church Singapore

Joseph Prince - Lean In To His Love - 09 Nov 14

Watch out guys! cuz I'm gonna flood this blog with Jesus' truth through Joseph Prince' grace teachings.


You are forever secure, loved, and blessed in Christ, your great High Priest! In this exciting study of the high priest’s garments, Joseph Prince shows you how Jesus bears you on His shoulders of strength and sees you as a precious, unique gem, held close to His heart. Learn how you can rest in the midst of every adversity and be accurately led by Him when you lean in to His love. Whatever your challenge today, know that all shall be well because your great High Priest, who is full of compassion for you, is representing you at God’s right hand!  

Your Greatest Protection

Wow this is so true!
I feel this all the time. When everything seems go haywire sometimes,
I just pause and thank the Lord. 
Declaring that "It's all temporary!"

You see one of the devil's work is to make you out of focus from God's love and blessings. He will throw bad scenes to your mind, telling you lies that you don't deserve a good life because you are like this and like that . If you fall on this trap, you get shaky. You will feel lost and confused. 
And the devil is happy. 
My question is, do you want the devil to be happy all the time?

Say, "No!"

Because that's not you. And that's not who you are meant to be!

You are meant to live a fun, worry-free and relax life with Jesus.  (Read Psalm23)

So now, everytime your mind and heart is caught up with fears, depression and consufions....THANK JESUS that He is your deliverer from it all. He is Your restorer,  And that ALL THESE Shall come to us in His mighty' name!

Do not focus on your problems. 
Focus on your blessings. You might gonna say,"I don't seems to have any beautiful thing to be thankful for in my life right now, I say, "Hey, a king died for you , His name is Jesus. Just look up and see how beautiful He is. :)"

I have read today's Jesus Calling Devotional and guess what. The secret is revealed in here. 

I am sharing this to you so can be blessed. 

Do the same thing to your friends too. 
Just share this to one person who is close to your heart. 

Haters Gonna Hate But Keep Loving

If you encounters Jesus' haters, just ignore them. I know it hurts and you know you want to defend Jesus but don't waste your breath and energy. 

Move on and just pray for them. 

Jesus had alot of haters when He was still here on earth. The pharisees. But He never spend His time arguing or defending Himself. 
A true king does need to beg on anyone to believe in Him. He knows His power and just that. 

Keep on praising and talking to Jesus instead. That's what He is most happy about if you do that part. He only wants you to rest in His love, peace and protection. 

He loves when you draw closer to Him everytime and perhaps just talk about His haters. Hehe!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Look Up!

Wooow! Havin' goosebumps right now while I'm chatting with my friend from US. 

She took this photo yesterday while they were on their way back home. She said the angel wings were soooooo huge in person! The angel obviously looking down maybe he is checking or protecting the land or protecting my friend??


Anyone has seen this yesterday? Please type in your comments below. Would love to chat. 

Pray Before Making Any Decision

In this world, people seek for financial consultants before making any investments.

People seek for advice from close friends, family, spouses before any major decisions to take on.

That's ok...

In the spiritual realm, you need divine guidance.

And you are blessed, because you got Jesus to be your spiritual guide.

Seek Him. Seek His advice for anything. From money matters, to health and relationships, and investments.

He will guide you from the inside out.

Pray that whatever decision you will make, He will guide and bless you.

If it's a wrong detour or little mistake, do not fret, because He will blessed it so you can move forward

with confidence that no matter what, everything's gonna be alright!

It's cool to depend on Jesus MOST Of THE TIME, just so you know. 

Try it and make it habit so hard to break ...:)

Never Stop Praying

Thanking the Lord every moment is easier ...than worrying.

When scared..thank Him for He is your deliverer.

When suffered a loss...thank Jesus for He is your restorer.

When sick or feeling down, thank Him for He is your healer.

When left with nothing on the bank or atm, thank Him for He is your financier.

Just do it until it becomes a hard habit to break.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Just Trust God’s Goodness And Pray In The Spirit by Joseph Prince

Just Trust God’s Goodness And Pray In The Spirit by Joseph Prince

1 Corinthians 14:14
14For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my understanding is unfruitful.

God has given us a powerful prayer gift — praying in tongues, which is not limited by distance, time or head knowledge. When you pray in tongues, you could be praying for your future or even a loved one overseas. You won’t know what you are praying unless God tells you. This is because your “understanding is unfruitful” — your mind is not involved.

“But Pastor Prince, I must know what I am praying!”

Sometimes, it is better not to know what you are praying. In 1993, I had a long season of praying in the Spirit. If I had known then everything that I was praying in tongues, I would have freaked out! For example, I would have been afraid if I had known that the Holy Spirit was saying, “Father God, in the year 2002, anoint Joseph Prince to preach six messages every week to more than 10,000 people.” That has come to pass. But back in 1993, one service was enough to tire me out!

So I thank God that I don’t know what I am praying when I pray in tongues. I simply trust His goodness and pray in tongues for everything that He has planned for me to come to pass in His perfect timing.

Beloved, don’t stop praying in tongues just because you don’t know what you are praying. You could be praying for the safety of a loved one in a life and death situation. Especially when you feel an urge to pray because you sense danger, pray! Pray until you sense a release as the burden is lifted. The Holy Spirit will know exactly what is going on, who is in danger and how to pray for deliverance. (Romans 8:27)

You may say, “Well, I can just pray in English.” You can, but your prayer will be very limited because you don’t know everything. It is better to pray in tongues because the Spirit knows all things.

My friend, you don’t belong to the natural, limited realm. You belong to God who is unlimited! So pray in tongues, and see great things happening for you and through you.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Let go. Let God

Tired of your problems?

Let go. 

Tired of struggling financially?

Let go. 

Tired of fighting with someone?

Let go. 

Tired of everything ?

Let go. 

And let God take the wheel. 

He is the best driver. :)

God Has Blessed You

Every morning, declare this. :)
Because it's the truth. 
God has blessed you already. 

Awesome right??

Praise God While Waiting

While waiting for God's blessings to manifest in your life. Praise Him. 
There's no other better thing to do but to 
acknowledge and praise Him all the way. 

You can be impatient at times. Yes. 
When that happens, say
"Thank You Lord You are my patience.."
Have a healthy, thankful and cherry heart.
Enjoy life each day.
Living and breathing every moment with Him is already a miracle. :)

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

You Can't Earn Jesus' Blessings

You Can’t Earn My Blessings

My cup overflows with blessings.
—Psalm 23:5 (NLT)

This is a time of plenty in your life. Your cup overflows with blessings. Enjoy this time—it is My gift to you.

Don’t feel guilty when everything is going well. Don’t turn away from My blessings because you think you don’t deserve to be so blessed. That is nonsense. The truth is that no one deserves anything from Me. My kingdom is not about earning blessings. And life with Me is not some sort of game in which you earn points to buy prizes. Good behavior doesn’t buy blessings.

Instead of trying to work for My blessings, I want you to receive them thankfully. I give you good gifts because I love to see your joy when you receive them. So open your hands and your heart, and accept My blessings gratefully. This brings Joy to you and to Me!


Sunday, November 9, 2014

Good Success Is In Your Mouth by Joseph Prince

Well, one can be successful in so many ways... But me? I will have good success because of what Jesus has done at the cross. Because of Jesus, I am super rich !


Good Success Is In Your Mouth
By Joseph Prince

Joshua 1:8
8This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night… For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

I had always wondered why the Torah (the first five books of Moses) is read out loud by the Jews. Then, a Jewish Christian told me that for generations, they read God’s Word out loud because of Joshua 1:8 — “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night…”

The word “meditate” in English means to ponder. But in Hebrew, it is the word hagah, which means to utter or mutter under your breath. In other words, when you meditate on God’s Word, you speak forth or confess His Word instead of just giving it mental assent.

My friend, hagah God’s Word by confessing verses in the areas that you are believing God for breakthroughs. When I was working in sales, I confessed verses like, “Honor the Lord with your possessions, and with the firstfruits of all your increase; so your barns will be filled with plenty…” (Proverbs 3:9–10) In the first year, I became the top salesman in my company! My way was made prosperous and I enjoyed good success.

“Pastor Prince, I am waiting for God to make my way prosperous.”

No, the Bible says that you will make your way prosperous when you hagah God’s Word. So speak forth verses in the areas which you want to see breakthroughs and you will have good success.

Some people have success that destroys them — you don’t see them in church anymore and their family members don’t get to see them either. That is bad success. But when you hagah God’s Word, you will have good success that does not destroy you.

Now, confessing God’s Word does not move God to do things for you. It is not a formula. God had already moved when He gave up Jesus to die for you. However, when you confess His Word, it moves you from a position of doubt to faith. It moves your heart from a position of “Is it true?” to “I believe it!” When that happens, “you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success”!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Jesus is with you all the way

Life will be full of ups and downs. 
But remember, in Jesus these are only temporary. 
Inspite of your confusions and stress,
thank Him...because He is your strength. 
God loves you so much that He gave up His only son Jesus so you can live an abundant life. In victory. 
So don't ever think that you are alone in your struggles. Be at rest because Jesus is behind the scenes fighting the battles for you. 
All you gotta do is to relax and believe 
that you have Jesus all the way!

Jesus' Precious Promises

Beauuuutiful !
Thank You Lord You are my joy. 

I have learned the secret of being happy at any time in everything that happens.

—Philippians 4:12 (ICB)

Most people feel happy when things are going right for them. And they feel sad or frustrated when things are not going so well. They believe their happiness depends on what is happening around them at the time. That’s why they try so hard to keep everything under their control.

But it is possible to be content with your life no matter what is happening around you.

Don’t let your happiness depend on what’s going on in your life. Connect your joy to My precious promises: I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go. I will meet all your needs according to My glorious riches. Nothing in all creation will be able to separate you from My Love.

Source: Jesus Calling For Kids

Iphone/ipad app

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Who is Jesus?

Everyday I shall declare 

is the Son of God. 
Savior of Mankind!
Come shout with me!

Secrets of a Victorious Life Through Jesus

Let me take this opportunity in sharing you my blessings.

Firstly, I was blessed by the teachings of Joseph Prince here in Singapore.

After I received Jesus as my savior through his ministry, I could no longer

fathom of what God has done to me…God has so blessed me exceedingly, abundantly

with love, health,joy,peace, protection from above.

I think, and I feel this is the right time to share all that through this blog

which I've kept for years…for Jesus.

Keep comin..and keep feeding your heart and soul with Jesus' truth.

That's one of the secrets in living a victorious life while here on earth.

That's Not Fair!

That’s Not Fair

If someone does wrong to you, then forgive him.

Forgive each other because the Lord forgave you.

—Colossians 3:13 (ICB)

Life is not fair. You hear that a lot, but it can still be hard to accept. People will say and do things that hurt your feelings, things you don’t deserve. But when someone mistreats you, try to see it as a chance to show them My grace and to grow in your own faith.

Don’t try to get even. See how quickly you can forgive. And don’t tell everyone around you what happened. Just let it go. Don’t worry about what others think—My opinion is the one that really counts.

When others mistreat you, remember this: I freely forgive all your sins. I clothe you in shining robes of righteousness bought with My own blood. This isn’t fair either—it is the amazing gift of My grace.

When others treat you unfairly, remember that My ways with you are muchbetter than fair. My ways are Peace and Love—poured out into your heart by My Spirit.



Source: Jesus Calling for Kids iphone app

By Sarah Young

Trump Announces Executive Order to Protect Religious Liberty, 'Eradicate Anti-Christian Bias'

Trump Announces Executive Order to Protect Religious Liberty, 'Eradicate Anti-Christian Bias' President Donald Trump announced Thurs...