Tuesday, April 28, 2015

So Many Blessings

Let Me teach you how to be thankful. First, think about all the things you have to be thankful for—home, family, friends, food, clothes, stuff. Then, think about how each of these things is a gift from Me.

As the sun rises, remember that today is a gift from Me. As you get out of bed, think about the gift of a healthy body. As you gather up your schoolwork and prepare for the day, be grateful for your abilities and talents. Try to count the many good things I have filled your life with. Is it twenty-five? Fifty? One hundred? I dare you to try to count all My blessings.

The secret to being thankful is thinking about all the good things in your life—and then remembering that these are all gifts from Me


Friday, April 3, 2015

Shhh..Be still

Love this "Jesus Calling For Kids" devotional for the day.
It is true. The world wants you to run the race fast and demands you to win it. But you are not born to do this. You can join the race , have fun and still focus in Jesus.
Everyday try to spend a few minutes of your time reading something like this so it fills your heart and soul. And then you will grow more confident knowing that Jesus loves you so much.

It's Black Saturday, so just be still.
Enjoy His presence today.

Shhh . . . Be Still

He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.
—Psalm 23:2 (NKJV)

I come to you when you are still and quiet. It is then that you can hear Me speaking to your heart.

Don’t be discouraged if it is hard to find a quiet time and place. This world likes everything to be loud and fast. Try slipping out into the backyard and letting the sounds of My creation draw you to Me. Shut the door to your room, and close out the world for a while. Turn off the music, and tune in to Me.

My eyes are always on the lookout for a heart that is seeking Me. And that person is so very precious to Me. I know when you are trying to find Me, and My heart is blessed by your efforts.


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Trump Announces Executive Order to Protect Religious Liberty, 'Eradicate Anti-Christian Bias' President Donald Trump announced Thurs...