Thursday, December 23, 2021

Jireh | Elevation Worship & Maverick City

Sooo tired today from shoot so I decided to pump up the volume and 

just listen to worship songs that are filled with Jesus.

Amazingly, hearing few lines from it has already changed my mood

and has given me so much peace which leads me to update this blog right now.

I'm about to doze off actually.

So let me thank the Lord Jesus for restoring my strength and health.

Surrounding me with His peace and love.

I just wanna rest in Jesus' bossoms right now.

Great is Jesus' faithfulness.

And yes Beloveds.

One day from now it's already Christmas.

I feel I don't have the spirit to celebrate joyful tidings , happenings, merry makings

because of what's happening lately in this world.

But hey! Christmas is not about the world.

Christmas is ALL ABOUT JESUS!

So let's celebrate!

47,679,917 views • Premiered Mar 27, 2021 • The official video of "Jireh" from the album, Old Church Basement, by Elevation Worship and Maverick City, feat. Chandler Moore & Naomi Raine. Available everywhere now:

"Jireh" was written by Steven Furtick, Chandler Moore, Naomi Raine, Chris Brown

Pre-Add/Pre-Save the new album, Old Church Basement, releasing April 30:

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I’ll never be more loved than I am right now

Wasn’t holding You up so there’s nothing I can do to let You down

Doesn’t take a trophy to make You proud

I’ll never be more loved than I am right now

Going through a storm but I won’t go down

I hear Your voice carried in the rhythm of the wind to call me out

You would cross an ocean so I wouldn’t drown

You’ve never been closer than You are right now

Jireh You are enough

Jireh You are enough

I will be content in every circumstance

Jireh You are enough

Don’t wanna forget how I feel right now

On the mountaintop I can see so clear what it’s all about

Stay by my side when the sun goes down

Don’t wanna forget how I feel right now

I’m already loved

I’m already chosen

I know who I am

I know what You’ve spoken

I’m already loved

More than I could imagine

And that is enough

That is enough

You are enough

So I am enough

If He dresses the lilies with beauty and splendor

How much more will He clothe you

How much more will He clothe you

If He watches over every sparrow

How much more does He love you

How much more does He love you

More than you ask, think or imagine

According to His power working in us

It’s more than enough

Written by Steven Furtick, Chandler Moore, Naomi Raine, Chris Brown

©2021 Music by Elevation Worship Publishing, Heritage Worship Music Publishing / Maverick City Publishing  / Naomi Raine Music, Chandler Moore Designee

CCLI #: 7164826

#Jireh #ElevationWorship #MaverickCity #OldChurchBasement

Music in this video

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Elevation Worship, Maverick City Music

Licensed to YouTube by

SME (on behalf of Elevation Worship Records); SOLAR Music Rights Management, LatinAutorPerf, Essential Music Publishing, BMI - Broadcast Music Inc., Bethel Music (Publishing), CMRRA, LatinAutor - SonyATV, Capitol CMG Publishing, and 8 Music Rights Societies

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

10 Truths to Set You Free From Fear And Worry | Joseph Prince

10 Truths to Set You Free From Fear And Worry | Joseph Prince

While it seems the “new normal” is for fear and worry to riddle our hearts , we want you to know that that doesn’t have to be the case. Fear is NOT your new normal, child of God, and it cannot have a hold on you. We’ve put together a compilation of reminders that we believe will bless you. Allow God’s truth and His promises of peace to anchor you even in the midst of any challenging circumstances, fear or bad news that might be keeping you up at night with worry. Hit the SAVEđź”– button to watch this, send it to someone who needs this NOW word via DM, and don’t forget to share the love by tagging three friends who need to hear this right now. ❤ – Musicbed SyncID: MB01ULGFCXW42YA – Stay Connected – Decibel Website: Decibel Facebook: Decibel Instagram: #decibelone #decibel #JosephPrince

The Truth That Unlocks Healing Miracles In Your Life | Joseph Prince

The Truth That Unlocks Healing Miracles In Your Life | Joseph Prince

This excerpt is from: Unleash His Resurrection Life (11 Jul 2021) Get the full message: Joseph Prince app - - Unleash God’s resurrection life and experience His healing and restorative power in every area of need! In this life-changing message by Joseph Prince, learn the key to releasing God’s divine power that will cause you to thrive in your health, emotional wellbeing, and relationships. Be transformed from the inside out when you discover how you can: • Let the resurrection life of Jesus flow into your body, thoughts, and emotions the more you lay hold of God’s gift of righteousness to you. • Stay protected from every disease and calamity in these last days and remain young, strong, and healthy—no matter your age. • Be set free from negative feelings of depression, bitterness, and pessimism, and enjoy flourishing relationships with your loved ones. • Confidently look forward to the blessed hope and receive comfort and encouragement in these last days. See your miracle spring forth from the inside out as you experience God’s resurrection life flowing through your spirit, soul, and body! Excerpt Summary: 0:00 A Recap On What Is The Spirit, Soul, And Body 1:13 The Spirit Is Life Because Of Righteousness! 3:04 God Wants You Healthy, Young, And Strong! 6:09 The Effects Of Setting Your Mind On The Spirit 8:21 Experience Healing From The Inside-Out 10:06 Pastor Prince Leads You In A Prayer For Healing 12:24 Give Me This Mountain—Now Available On Amazon Give Me This Mountain is now available in audiobook (read by Michael Davis) and eBook on Amazon! Get it on Amazon: Also available on the Joseph Prince app: Subscribe for free official sermon notes at: Download the Joseph Prince app at: Find us at: #josephprince #2021sermon #josephprincelatest

Your Healing Is His Priority | Joseph Prince

Your Healing Is His Priority | Joseph Prince

This excerpt is from: Your Healing Is His Priority (28 Mar 2021) Get the full message: Joseph Prince app - - Did you know that the greatest blessing God wants you to receive after salvation is healing? In this must-hear message by Joseph Prince, see from Scripture how our Lord Jesus places utmost importance on ministering to those who are sick and giving them their much-awaited breakthrough! Discover powerful truths that will help you: • See God’s heart to heal the sick and step out in faith to pray for those who need healing. • Remove every barrier of self-effort that has stopped you from receiving your healing miracle. • Experience your loving Shepherd leading you to a place of rest—a position for receiving your breakthrough. • Be nourished in your spirit, soul, and body as you feed on His life-and-health-giving Word. See how much God prioritizes the healing of His people and start flowing in His miracle-working anointing today! Chapters: 0:00 Healing Is A Priority In God’s Heart 2:04 Are You Trying To Earn Your Healing? 5:06 Do You See Healing As Man's Work Or God's Work? 7:01 When You Rest, God Works 10:28 Receive This Prayer If You Need Healing Subscribe for free official sermon notes at: Download the Joseph Prince app at: Find us at: #josephprince #2021sermon #josephprincelatest

Donna & Turner Ward - White Chair Film - I Am Second

Donna & Turner Ward - White Chair Film - I Am Second

#iamsecond #donnaward #turnerward #WCF Subscribe to I Am Second: Watch more stories at: Follow us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on Twitter: Donna Ward’s life seemed to be going exactly as she hoped – she married her high-school sweetheart, baseball player-turned-coach, Turner Ward, and had a family she loved. But with just three words, “It is cancer,” everything changed. She had a double mastectomy, then a recovery that proved to be both physically and emotionally traumatic. She experienced pain on a daily basis and struggled to see her post-surgery body as beautiful. "It was heartbreaking to see yourself and feel like a beast, an alien." And with Turner on the road with the team, Donna feared facing all of this alone. But in the midst of the pain, Donna and Turner found unexpected strength and hope.

Danny Gokey - Pushing through fear

Danny Gokey - Pushing through fear

#iamsecond #dannygokey @Danny Gokey Subscribe to I Am Second: Watch more stories at: Follow us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on Twitter: Fear haunted Danny Gokey, singer and American Idol contestant. He feared that God would leave him and feared that God would refuse his prayers. All his life he battled with questioning if God could be trusted to remain faithful. When his wife later faced a losing battle with a congenital heart condition, all his childhood doubts came rushing back. While his worst fear became reality, he’d face the ultimate question: would he give in to his fear or give his trust to God even in death.

Monday, December 13, 2021

How To Build Your Faith 01


his is my strength. Reading and soaking in Jesus’ filled devotionals and 

preachings like those of Joseph Prince have been my strength and help in times 

of trouble and stress. 

Sharing it with you here my friend, and hope you will be blessed. 

Let your faith arise my dear Beloved friends.

Jesus has equipped us with truth through His anointed servants, pastors, preachers like Joseph Prince. 

Let us embrace it and not put it to waste. 

If you are reading this.. you are sooo blessed to know all these powerful truths!

These are our shield. 

Our protection from the works of the enemy. 

The enemy has put on lies on us for so many years and now it is time to break free from that bondage. 

Keep the faith in Jesus. 

Embrace and apply His promises and words in your life. God does not lie!

He loves you so. 

God will take care of you. 

No matter what challenges or struggles you are in right now.. speak God’s promises. 

“Jesus is our Shepherd. You shall not want. “

If scared , speak the words. 

“No weapons formed agains me shall prosper!”

We gotta be smart now guys!

The devil is a loser. Jesus wins!

We as Jesus’ beloved child are victorious!

So don’t be deceive by the devil again!

You are meant to live a victorious life because of what Jesus has done at the cross!

By Jesus’ stripes YOU ARE THE HEALED!


Applying the Written Word

By Joseph Prince

But the righteousness of faith speaks….But what does it say? 

“The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word of faith which we preach).

Romans 10:6, 8

Let me show you examples of how you can use the written Word to come against the attacks of the enemy. 

Let’s say that while driving to work one morning, you hear some professor saying over the radio, 

“One in every five women will develop this disease by the age of forty.” 

That’s the time you must say, “It is written—‘Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler 

and from the perilous pestilence’” (Ps. 91:3). 

If you do this, you are putting up a shield of faith and you are releasing power as you declare 

that regardless of what the reports of the world say, your God shall deliver you from every deadly disease!

Here’s another example of when and how you can quote the written Word. Suppose for some reason, you are 

crippled by vivid images in your mind of yourself dying young and leaving your spouse and little ones 

to fend for themselves. Again, this is the time to speak the Word of God against those fears. 

Declare, “It is written—‘With long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation’” (Ps. 91:16).

Maybe you might know of an acquaintance who was killed in a fatal accident. 

Now, you are fearful that the same thing might happen to you. 

My friend, the enemy has just shot you with a fiery dart. We do not know what the other person believed. 

We can only be responsible for our own beliefs and lives. Perhaps your relatives or family members 

have died from the same illness and the enemy is now attacking you with thoughts that you will 

also develop diabetes like your father and uncle did, or die from the same heart condition they had.

My friend, if you have been entertaining thoughts like these, NOW is the time to rise up and make this declaration: 

“A thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, but it shall NOT come near me” (see Ps. 91:7)! 

For something to happen at your right hand means that it has to be really close to you. 

This means that even if something unfortunate happens to someone close to you, 

do not allow fear to hold you in its paralyzing grip. 

Speak forth the written Word of God!

Thank You Jesus for these truths!

Chat soon Beloveds!

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