You know , we humans are good at worrying.
When a relationship ends, we worry.
We start to think of what will happen to me without her/ him in my life now ?
What if she/he will find a new love?
So many what ifs.
Lately, I found myself doing that.
But a revelation has poured down on me.
We worry because we really don't believe deep in our hearts that someone upthere is gonna take care of us no matter what.
That He only wants us to have a good future.
I really found myself speechless!
It's true!
We always worry of our future simply because we don't have enough faith in our awesome God!
You may ask me,
" Dinx, how can you be so sure of that?"
Well, here's the proof!

Let that sink in.
Our awesome God, only wants us to have a GOOD future!
So right now, whatever it is that you are going through like I do,
Sit back, relax and see His restoration coming into your life and relationship.
I'm documenting this all for His glory!
What you and I are going through right now is just temporary.
It shall come to pass!
Tomorrow , you'd be smiling already. Trust Him.
As you go through these phase, emotional and spiritual unstability
say "Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! "Praise the Lord! " PRAISE THE LORD!"
until you get back on your feet again.
Getting drunk , throwing up the next day, suffering headaches etc or getting lost some more is not the solution.
JESUS is the solution!
Read His word.
Read some Jesus quotes from Joseph Prince , Victoria Osteen or Joel Osteen or any grace preachers that will lift your spirit and confidence up.
Trust me, these things that I'm telling you here in my blog really has kept my sanity. You are blessed to be here yeah? 😁
Focus in Jesus.
And see your miracle coming.
Cheers to our awesome future!
Sharing another beautiful devotional... Be blessed!

So don’t worry about tomorrow. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Tomorrow will have its own worries.
—Matthew 6:34 (ICB)
Trust Me . . . one day at a time. I understand this can be hard to do, especially if you are hurting. That is why I have sent My Spirit to help you. My Spirit is your tutor, living inside you and teaching you to trust Me. Take time to be still and learn from Him. Listen for His quiet voice and His gentle advice.
Trusting Me is something you choose to do. When you worry about today and worry about tomorrow, those worries can crisscross in your mind. They create a web of worries that tangle up your thoughts and leave you confused. Don’t get caught in that web. Trust Me to take care of you today and tomorrow.