Friday, March 20, 2020

JESUS Gives me Hope by reading this powerful Devotional

I just wanna share with you dear friends one of the devotionals

that I have been reading. I can say that reading devotionals about Jesus.

About God really helps me a lot in my Christian journey.

FAITH comes from hearing and hearing the Word of God.

If you have doubts, fearful and anxious, there is no better way
than to drown yourself with how much Jesus' loves you.

And His peace that transcends human understanding shall lift you up.

The devil plays with our mind, and our task is not to fight him
but just to rest in Jesus' promises and love.

So guys here it goes.

This what gives me hope. Just reading through these pages change everything. I know that I am loved and Jesus doesn't want to let go of me. This what gives me hope. JESUS' unconditional love GIVES ME HOPE. Let's read it together. You can purchase this powerful #Christianbook in here throught the Amazon link below. I only get a small commision from it.
Thank you for your support.

 “Prayers for Emotional Wholeness” by Stormie Omartian

7 Things God Wants You To Know During This Virus Attack | Joseph Prince

Sometimes, although we feel that we are grounded by the love of Jesus,
fear, anxiety sets in. That's why having a relationship with Jesus is important and crucial
to our mental health and spiritual growth.

I am so glad and blessed that I have accepted Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior.
I don't know what will happen to me if in these times that we are in right now, where the world is broken
and needs healing, people are panicking, business are down, economy is down and I have not accepted Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior, definitely I'd become crazy.

I would've ended up crazy or sick !
But thank GOD, He has directed me to Jesus!
Now, in the midst of what's happening right now in this world,
I have the assurance, that peace inside that transcends human understaning,
that comfort that He gives me and my loved ones that promise of protection thru His blood,
is just AMAZING!

So guys! if you are still wondering right now what will happen next, set it aside first.
We can have more and more questions tomorrow or forever. Bur for now, I urge you to listen to your heart.
Accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior before it's too late.
He loves you so and He doesn't want to let go of you.
That's why you are reading this blog.
I am not doing this for my own satisfaction, I believe I am led by the Spirit
to save you.

Jesus is our only HOPE.
So come to Him and enjoy and eternal life.

Before watching this video,
if you haven't received Jesus as you personal Lord and Savior yet.
say this prayer with me ...

"Lord Jesus, I have sinned and now I come to You.
Please forgive me and thank You for forgiving me.
I surrender my life to you. Come into my life and be my personal Lord and Savior.


If you've prayed that prayer, WELCOME TO AN AMAZING LIFE WITH JESUS!
Continue to feed your faith and soul.
I will be posting more of my devotionals here soon. So don't forget to Subscribe.

Now, enjoy Joseph Prince video of "FIND SECURITY IN TIMES OF ANXIETY."


Anxiety, fear, and panic. These words define the times we live in today. This excerpt is from: Find Security In Times Of Anxiety (8 Mar 2020) Get the full message: Joseph Prince app - - Beloved, though this may be true for the world, your heavenly Father wants you to know that you don’t have to be shaken by every bad report that you see or hear. In this uplifting message by Joseph Prince, learn how you and your loved ones can stay secure and hopeful when you: • Find safety and rest in the secret place of the Most High. • See yourself abiding in Christ, far above every curse and virus. • Lean on His faithfulness to protect you from all evil in these dark times. • Experience His lavish love that pours out healing, protection, and provision on you. Be unshakable in His love for you and live with robust peace and confidence today! Subscribe for free official sermon notes at: Find us at:

7 Things God Wants You To Know During This Virus Attack | Joseph Prince

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

100% Picture Proof: Jesus Married a Black Woman | Dr. Gene Kim

I feel Dr. Gene Kim will be amongst my fave pastors.

I have only watched this video from his channel and I can say, he is aweoms.

He preaches more on the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.

Watch this and see for yourself.

Will update more of his videos after watching them.

So stay tuned.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Our First Kids Ministry in Tatala, Binangonan Philippines

We may make our plans but still God has the last words.

2 months after the death of my mama, I was led to fulfill a purpose.

Not mine but God's purpose.

I didn't expect it would come this fast.

I am amazed how He has comforted me over the loss of my mama by leading to this.

Yes. My mama is gone. But i bet she is smiling at me right now,
watching in heaven with these wonderful kids.

If you lost a loved one guys, it is okay to mourn, be broken, hurt, in pain, depressed(for a short time).

But don't let it become your life.

You still have a purpose.

Just let God lead you to it.

We thank the wonderful people and friends who have helped us make this possible.

You know who you are and I pray God will continue to bless you all abundantly so you can bless more people, especially the children.



Remember, JESUS is the main reason for the season.

Be blessed

I am still in the process of creating a website for this and will update you soon guys.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Don't Be Defined By Your Mistakes | Joel Osteen

Don't Be Defined By Your Mistakes | Joel Osteen

  How are you everyone?

I pray ALL IS WELL with you.

I believe it is so because you are still here with me,

in my journey.

Just sharing one of the pastors that have helped build my faith up

and have made me closer to God ever..

Joel Osteen.

 I pray you open up your heart and mind for this truth

and set you free from any bondage that you are longing to be free!

Rememeber always, GOD WILL ALWAYS BE WITH YOU , even if you are not feeling it.

Just keep up the faith!


God's mercy is bigger than any mistake you've made. Don't let your past determine your future. Receive His mercy today, and get ready to step into the fullness of your destiny. ✅Subscribe to receive weekly messages of hope, encouragement, and inspiration from Joel! Key Scriptures 🕊: John 20 verses 24-26 Exodus 3 verses 1-10 Acts 2 verses 14-41 Matthew 4 verse 1 Follow #JoelOsteen on social! Twitter - Instagram - Facebook - New CD series from Joel:

Monday, June 24, 2019

Calm the Storm (Live) - UNION Creative

I woke up at 6am hearing this lovely song embrace my Spirit. It just sooooo beautiful! I wanna hear it over and over again. I am still looking for the lyrics. You can find more of them at Thank You Jesus for worship bands like this in the last days. You are surely making WAVES!!! HALLELUYAAAH!

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Hollywood Actor Christians: Stephen Baldwin's Testimony

Hollywood Actor Christians: Stephen Baldwin's Testimony

New Life is honoured to have Hollywood actor, Stephen Baldwin share how he gave his life to Jesus and his passion for reaching the skateboarding community with the love of God. His message encouraged everyone to be a witness and to win win souls for the kingdom.

Born To Win | From the Producer of Faith Like Potatoes

One of my biggest dreams when I was younger, was to be produce great nlockbuster movies. But now God changed my heart, I want to create, pro...