Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How Worthy Are YOU?

Can you remember or have you encountered this famous line
from a movie. "I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!"? (Sorry but I couldn't remember the titlle of the movie anymore.)

This line was so famous few years back that I heard people using it everywhere on tv shows as pranks, spoofs and jokes and even on the internet.

Now let me ask you.

Can you tell me how worthy are you? Or how important you think you are?

Thinking of this question, it might lead you to look at yourself in the mirror and throw some positive or negative thoughts back on you.

Do you judge yourself based on your looks, the quality of the clothes you wear, the brand of your bags,shoes, watches, gadgets, the amount of $$$ in your bank, your properties like how beautiful or big your house is, your car, your career achievements, awards, etc?

In this world, people can judge your worthiness based on those mentioned above. It's true ... because people tend to look at what's invisible to the eye.
You can't escape that.
You cannot change that because that's how the world operates.

But do you wana dig deeper?

because I got good news for you.

Without lots of $$$, house, cars, cool friends around, smart brain,
success..do you know you are worthy ....in God's eyes?

for how much?

...this much!

Yes! God loves you so this much that He gave up His only Beloved Son so you can live an abundant life here on earth. Free of pains, sickness, worries but full of blessing and protection.

How much God loves you is beyond your comprehension. The reason is infinite. And He alone knows why. I've got the proof for you..and that's the CROSS..the only thing that you need to do is to believe and let His miracles work in you. My friend, you are meant to live an abundant life. You can feel it screaming inside of you. You can feel it burning in your heart. and let me say, God has the way... and it's JESUS way! Halleluyaah!

Well, I got alot of things to share with you on how much God loves you, for now I want this beautiful verse to sink in your heart, mind and soul because this truth shall set you free ....

“Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”

(Luke 12:6-7)

Beautiful, isn't it? That's another proof... and it's written in the Bible.

Till then my friend...

Hope this has blessed you ..

Blessed Tuesday to you.:)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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