Sunday, June 19, 2016

When Your Faith is Tested...

Woow! This is so timely for me!
I really recommend you to get this book "Speak To Your Mountain" by Kenneth Hagin Jr.

It is so powerful and will surely build your faith in God and Jesus on solid ground.


The greatest battles that have ever been fought in this life are not the battles that have been fought in the air, on land, or at sea. No, the greatest battles that have been fought throughout the centuries are those that have been fought and won in the hearts of men and women of faith.
It's when you're standing against seemingly insurmountable barriers, that your faith is tested. That's the faith fight. When circumstances look impossible, you have to make a choice. Are you going to believe God and take Him at His Word-- or are you going to believe the circumstances and allow your faith to crumble and fail?

Source: Speak To Your Mountain
By Kenneth Hagin Jr.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Your Divine Purpose

Don't let fear or worries get in the way of your relationship with Jesus.
Keep trusting in Him no matter what.
He died for you and there's no way that His gonna leave nor forsake you.

Friday, June 10, 2016

If this is happening to you. Must Read

If this is happening to you everytime,
must read..

The devil loves to see you worry and depressed.
Get rid of it by praising Jesus with your mouth.
"Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord!"

Plus read this and be blessed.

If a person’s thinking is controlled by his sinful self, then there is death. But if his thinking is controlled by the Spirit, then there is life and peace.
—Romans 8:6 (ICB)

There is a battle being fought for the control of your mind. The devil is using every weapon he can think of to win. He’ll distract you—with fun, with busyness, and with noise. He’ll plague you with fears, worries, and guilt over past mistakes. He’ll do whatever it takes to keep your thoughts centered on yourself and away from Me.

But you are not alone in this battle. I am on your side, and I will fight with you. Your job is to call on My Spirit for help. Ask My Spirit to take control of your mind and keep your thoughts focused on Me. Then I will strengthen you so that you can withstand the devil’s attacks. And I will fill your mind with Peace.


Thursday, June 9, 2016

Stand Still

In your Christian life,

You will encounter your Goliath.

Goliaths in your life mean your problems, stress, confusions , depressions.

Anything that's making you uncomfortable.

How to deal with it?

I learnt, you don't need to become as big as your Goliath to conquer him.

In God's world,
you can still be as small as David
and still end up a victor.

You know why?
Simply because in God's world,
YOU are already a victor because of what Jesus has done at the cross for you.

Stand firm.


That you have an awesome God
who fights all the battles for you.

What do you need to do?

Just rest in Him.

Trust His Word.

And praise Him in the midst of your trouble.

Stand still and see His miracles
manifest in your life.

Good morning :)

Actor Hyunjoon Shin | I Didn’t Do Anything, God Did It All

I am now collectimng powerful testimonies and will share them with you here guys! How are you all? Hope you are all doing great with Jesus...