Friday, July 16, 2021

The Truth That Unlocks Healing Miracles In Your Life | Joseph Prince

The Truth That Unlocks Healing Miracles In Your Life | Joseph Prince

This excerpt is from: Unleash His Resurrection Life (11 Jul 2021) Get the full message: Joseph Prince app - - Unleash God’s resurrection life and experience His healing and restorative power in every area of need! In this life-changing message by Joseph Prince, learn the key to releasing God’s divine power that will cause you to thrive in your health, emotional wellbeing, and relationships. Be transformed from the inside out when you discover how you can: • Let the resurrection life of Jesus flow into your body, thoughts, and emotions the more you lay hold of God’s gift of righteousness to you. • Stay protected from every disease and calamity in these last days and remain young, strong, and healthy—no matter your age. • Be set free from negative feelings of depression, bitterness, and pessimism, and enjoy flourishing relationships with your loved ones. • Confidently look forward to the blessed hope and receive comfort and encouragement in these last days. See your miracle spring forth from the inside out as you experience God’s resurrection life flowing through your spirit, soul, and body! Excerpt Summary: 0:00 A Recap On What Is The Spirit, Soul, And Body 1:13 The Spirit Is Life Because Of Righteousness! 3:04 God Wants You Healthy, Young, And Strong! 6:09 The Effects Of Setting Your Mind On The Spirit 8:21 Experience Healing From The Inside-Out 10:06 Pastor Prince Leads You In A Prayer For Healing 12:24 Give Me This Mountain—Now Available On Amazon Give Me This Mountain is now available in audiobook (read by Michael Davis) and eBook on Amazon! Get it on Amazon: Also available on the Joseph Prince app: Subscribe for free official sermon notes at: Download the Joseph Prince app at: Find us at: #josephprince #2021sermon #josephprincelatest

Saturday, July 10, 2021

#PsalmoftheDay 34222

Apologies for the super late date my dear friends.
I always like to go back and get refreshed by God's word.
You see, God's Word is ever-changing, refreshing to our soul and
just in time for our need, at the right moment, at the right time.
So dates when it comes to devotionals are irrelevant for me. 
That is just my own opinion yah?

"But You, O Lord, are a God full of compassion, and gracious,
longsuffering and abundant in mercy and truth."

Psalm 86:15

Guys this is our God. He is a loving, full of mercy God.
Don't let be misled of Christians teachings outhere that God
is always outhere to point your mistakes, failures and sins.
He already knows us even while we were still in our mother's womb.
You are not a mistake. We are not a mistake.
As we go through our darkest valleys in life,
always remember that He is with us.
Always remember that He is always with you.
No matter what.
If you are alone, an orphan in this world.
Come back to Jesus.
You will never feel alone again. Just like I do.
You will live to fulfill your purpose.
If you have Jesus in your life, you will never be alone.
Please embrace that truth and BE BLESSED.


Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Pray #PSALM91 Always For God's divine protection against evil in this world!

How are you guys?

It's been a decade and now I am back blogging for Jesus again.

I just want you all to know that I am well-taken good care of Jesus and our loving

Abba Father. How He does it, that I do not know. I just know the truth that He loves me so

and that no matter what or where life will take me, He will never leave me nor forsake me.

and He always is with me. He will do the same to you too. 

I have gone through a lot..Now I am literally an orphan in this world.

I will create a separate video of this.

My parents have joined our Lord up there. and my only sister too. 6 years back.

So I am alone in this world yah?

All I can say is that ( although I miss them so much) I HAVE NEVER BEEN ALONE.

JESUS has always been with me. Comforting me, providing for me.

At 49 yeasr old now, I am super healthy and I feel, my years have reversed back to my

early 20s. Amazing right?

That is our Lord Jesus !

"By His stripes, we are always healed!" 

That is why guys, I urge you always to keep the faith.

You are always in good hands with Jesus in your life.

For now, as covid, viruses disturbed the earth and claimed so many lives,

let us continue to declare and claim our divine healing protection from God.

We all need this in the last days...Jesus is coming back soon! Excited??

I have created #psalm91 video as it has always been prompting me to share it.

Must be the Holy Spirit works in me. 


Psalm23..."We may walk through the valley of death, but God is with us. We shall not fear!"

Enjoy and be blessed on my video guys.


formed against you and your family shall prosper. IN JESUS' MIGHTY NAME. AMEN!!

Stay safe in the arms of our Abba Father always.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Danny Gokey's Tesimonial on "I am Second"

 I just came across this amazing worship guy Danny Gokey on youtube 'cuz

I happened to listen to his worship song "Haven't Seen it Yet?" on Spotify. 

I have uploaded it on my other blog---> MyFaveChristianWorshipSongs

The song talks about waiting, hoping patiently for God's miracles, prayers get answered

in our lives. And I really love the melody, it speaks of what really what's in my heart

right now. 

And guess what, he lost his way 9 years ago and fast-forward to this day,

he has a worship album worshiping Jesus and giving people HOPE on their current

situatuin. Amazing right?

God used his testimony FOR ALL GOD's glory!

the song goes...

"Have you been praying

And you still have no answers Have you been pouring out your heart for so many years Have you been hoping That things would have changed by now Have you cried all the faith you have through so many tears Don’t forget the things that He has done before And remember He can do it all once more"

You know sometimes, in the midst of our waiting,

we usually forget what God has done in our lives.

The good things, the beautiful things that happened will just disappear

when we get so impatient about it.

so the worship song reminds us, not for forget what God has done in our lives.

The air that we breathe. For keeping us safe in the midst of all evils, viruses, tragedies

in this world.

Yes.there will always be tribulations here on earth. Like Jesus said in the Bible.

But God shall redeem us all as He promised.

Let us watch Danny Gokey's testimony on "I am Second" guys!

I already watched it last night as part of my devotionals and I am so gonna watch it again.



Friday, July 2, 2021

Christianity is NOT Religion!! It's REVELATION! #HungryGeneration

 Christianity is NOT Religion!! It's REVELATION! #HungryGeneration

Christianity is NOT Religion!! It's REVELATION! #HungryGeneration

Religious church is not the one that has a different style of service.

Religion is what is left when the relationship with God is non-existence.

Religion can happen to Charismatics.

Religion can happen to catholics.

Religion can happen to Baptist.

Religion can happen to Arman (?), to Calvanist.

Religion can happen to anybody who loses a revelation of who God is.

Christianity is not a religion. Christianity is a Revelation!

Christianity is a revelation…Jesus told His disciples who the man says I Am?

And everybody start throwing different versions and then Jesus,

Peter says, “You are the Son of God!” 

And Jesus response to Peter, He didn’t say, “Well, Peter great job! You went to a right university.”

He said, “ Flesh and blood did not tell you this, Peter. It was my Father in Heaven who revealed that.”

That tells us that Christianity, the core of Christianity, you cannot be a Christian unless you have 

a revelation. 


A revelation of WHO JESUS IS.

You cannot know Jesus without a revelation.

And you can appear to be a Christian by joining a church.

And you can appear to be a Christian by being born in a Christian household

but the problem with religion is this — is religion doesn’t have a revelation.

And religion makes orphans. Revelation makes sons and daughters.

Revelation makes you into a son.

Revelation gives you an identity.

Religion deprives you of your identity.

And religion gives you an orphan spirit.

Religion is what you and I have…if wouldn’t have a revelation.

If wouldn’t have a revelation of who God is.

Prodigal son, the Bible says, he came from the field.

See, both sons were lost.

One was lost with harlots. The other one was lost in the field.

One son was lost in rebellion. The other one was lost in religion.

One son came back in repentance. The other one..the story ends

with him as not knowing that he ever came into the house or not.

He was in the fields but not in the house.

He worked for his father but he did not know his father.

Religion is man’s attempt to earn God’s gift of Salvation.

Man’s attempt to earn God’s gift of love and unconditional acceptance

such all religion is. It could be in Buddhism, it could even be in Christianity.

AS long as it’s about my efforts to reach God instead of God’s great, great gift 

to reach becomes religion.

Only Jesus and the Holy Spirit who reveals Jesus strips religion from us.

And gives us something instead of more’s called REVELATION.

And revelation, I’m not talking about that you learn about seven depths of hell 

or seven levels of spiritual realm or you now know where the demons came from,

where they Nephilim or fallen angels…

Revelation… I’m not talking about that you have some confusing mysterical, mysthical thing.

Revelation is when JESUS becomes real. When JESUS becomes REAL!

That would you knew you heard about becomes real.


Not just enlightened one. Not just the great teacher from Galilee. 

Not just the one who split the history But the One who was God

but became Man so that man can be with God.

Orphans-spirit thrives in the absence of revelation.

Christianity is a REVELATION.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Heard of Nightbirde?

Nightbirde opens up about her battle with metastatic breast cancer, becoming ‘AGT’ sensation

First watched her on America's Got Talent (AGT) and WOOOW!

At first, before knowing that she is a Christian yet, I prayed that God will speak to her heart and Soul
and save her.. But then...WOW! She is Christian after all!
And not only that..she is also a worship leader and have written praise songs on spotify.

As she tells her amazing testimony of having multiple cancer, divorced and struggles in life,
i can't help but look up and tell Jesus --"YOU ARE SUCH AN AMAZING SAVIOR LORD!"

Her song "It's OK" has been added on my Spotify list and been listening to it everyday of my life.
God bless her and I believe God will surely keep her and take care of her well.

Jane Marczewski(NightBirde)’s Story- Cancer, Divorce, God and Mental Health

In this interview I sat down with Jane Marczewski(NightBirde)who is an artist and cancer survivor whose inspirational video gained millions of views. She is a brave and wonderful person who shared her journey and battles with cancer, divorce and mental health. I hope anyone who sees this video just knows deep down that they are always cared for. I hope you enjoy :)

Justin Bieber: Journey To Jesus | Full Mini-Movie ᴴᴰ 2021 (Life Story and his Faith in God)

This popped on my youtube feeds. Let's watch it together guys!

Video Titled: 

Justin Bieber: Journey To Jesus | Full Mini-Movie ᴴᴰ 2021 (Life Story and his Faith in God)

Before anything else, would like to share my thoughts on Justin Bieber's Christian journey.

Justin Bieber is just an ordinary boy, yah ordinary boy even with all his fame and wealth going on.

Who suffered condemnation, high expectations not only with "Law-abiding" Christians but also

from the world. Sad right? He makes people happy thru his songs but at the end of the day people and even his fans mocked him for what and who he is a child. 

Guess, the price you need to pay for being famous in such a young age and having his own milli on his teen years. 

But let past be a past. Justin Bieber is now back to Jesus! And Justin Bieber is preaching and spreading Jesus to his network of fans who are mostly teens, kids, young adults who might be in some ways are lost.


God is using Justin Bieber's testimony telling the whole world that no matter how mess up you are currently with your life, how lost you are in this world, if you just humble yourself and call unto Him, He will rescue you. He will listen to you. He is always there for you...because HE LOVES YOU SO!

Wealth, fame are temporary,..your sanity and spiritual health is more important in this mad, fallen, crazy world. 

I can testify that to myself. My life currently for now, has zero money in the bank, no savings, credit cards are max out (due to pandemic ) but I can boldly say, I HAVE EVERYTHING! You know why?

I have everything because in Jesus..YOU HAVE EVERYTHING! Divine health, PEACE, divine protection , joy...even while here on earth! That is HEAVEN ON EARTH man!

I will talk more soon yah. I declare #Psalm91 blessings of protection in your life and loved ones today.

Amen !🙏🙏🙏

Just wanna let you know guys I AM SO BACK!

Comment below your thoughts.

Actor Hyunjoon Shin | I Didn’t Do Anything, God Did It All

I am now collectimng powerful testimonies and will share them with you here guys! How are you all? Hope you are all doing great with Jesus...