Sunday, June 12, 2011

Tired But Thankful to Jesus

Sometimes I love God so much.

Sometimes I feel normal.

Sometimes I question Him, His love for me and how it's gona end or will it really last.

Sometimes when I get tossed around here and there, stepped on with humans and get confused and depressed, I stay away from Him for awhile.

Yes. I just think and feel that way for no apparent reason at all.

Well, that's me.

But you know what.

I thank God because His love for me doesn't depend on my feelings. Whether I am so into Him today and won't feel a thing tomorrow wouldn't matter anymore because I know He loves me so and nothing can ever change that.

My salvation does not depend on me and me alone .

It depends on Jesus' sacrifice!

Right now, I feel so tired.
On the outside, nothing exciting is really happening around me which makes me feel a bit bored...

But still.

as I'm walking my way back home, I can only smile deep inside and say,

" Thank you Jesus for everything!"

(Now this is what I call one of the victorious moments of life with Jesus. )


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Many Healed in Ivory Coast - Even OF HIV!!


    Thanks for all the literatures you sent to me, they have made my life and ministry different. That is the message the churches need in this end time. We shall continue as you do.

    Again, I shall need some prayer cloths, and if possible few small bottles of anointed oil from you. The ones you sent to me BROUGHT HEALING TO MANY WHO TOUCHED IT. As I go out with them on me, miracles and healing took place. I held a meeting in a village where a lady who was dying of HIV was healed when we prayed over her. Send me some again! Thanks and God bless you as do God’s work.

    Pastor Lawrence

    IVORY COAST, W.Africa



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Actor Hyunjoon Shin | I Didn’t Do Anything, God Did It All

I am now collectimng powerful testimonies and will share them with you here guys! How are you all? Hope you are all doing great with Jesus...