Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Stop Judging Other Christians or Preachers

As a Christian,
your job is not to research or judge false teachers.
If their teachings are stressing you out,
just pause for awhile, and ask the Holy Spirit
to guide you.

There will be many false teachers around.
If you will spend your days judging them,
what will you get?

NOTHING at all!

So why not spend your remaining days here on earth praising Jesus instead?

Lifting others up would be a great idea.

Stop judging.

I know you are smart or we are all smart.

But God looks to the heart and faith.

There is not any verse in the Bible that God commands us to "Hey, you must judge other people. That is your task. "


God wants us to rest instead.

Embrace His love and be peaceful with one another.

We all make mistakes.

My opinions differ alot from yours and so does yours.

Me? I am not going to spend my life judging anyone.

I'd rather meditate on His words and enjoy His love for me.

Praising Him is the best thing that I can do for Him while I'm alive here on earth.

So, I'm gonna do that.

He deserves our praise and nothing else.

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

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