Sunday, February 19, 2017

Forgive as God Forgiven You by Joseph Prince

I know this isn't easy to do.
But you gotta feed yourself with words that leads you to forgive people.
I just say to God,
"Abba, Father, I cannot forgive but you can make me forgive. You know my heart. Please just lead me to it. Amen. "

And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.
Ephesians 4:32
Forgive As God Has Forgiven You
Once, I met a sprightly Christian lady in her seventies who looked a lot younger than she was. Curious, I decided to find out the secret of her youthfulness. As we talked, I learned that she was someone who was easygoing—this happy-go-blessed lady doesn’t take things to heart when offended and is quick to forgive or let go.

She reminds me of an encouragement that God gives us in His Word: Be tenderhearted and forgiving. My friend, God has your best interests at heart when He tells you to forgive and let go. He wants you to be happy and to live a long, healthy life. Nursing a hurt or anger against someone and having unforgiveness in your heart aren’t worth losing your joy, peace and health over.

Beloved, if you find it difficult to forgive someone, then look to the cross and see how perfectly God has let go every sin you have and will ever commit. Bring Jesus into your bitter situation. When you know how perfectly He loves you and has forgiven you, you’ll be able to forgive that person too. And the more you let go of offences against you, the less the enemy is able to make inroads into your mind, heart and body. Like the lady I mentioned, you’ll live a happier, healthier and longer life, with a lot fewer wrinkles and frown lines!


- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

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