Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Jesus is my REST

If only people or even Christians would know how much they're really worth.
They'd stop looking for love in the wrong places nor associate it with temporary things.

They'd stop killing, cursing or hating each other.
Neither fear, frustrations or depression wouldn't have the power to control their mind and emotions and Life.

That is... If only.

I was once like a lost child.
A lost sheep.
I used to pretend that I was ok but on
the inside, I was struggling emotionally and mentally.

On my family's side, I really didn't feel like my parents loved me that much because I always longed for their attention.
With my friends, I always wanted to be the star.
With my career , I always wanted to be on top.
You know how the world works in your thoughts and in your mind- the rat race kind of thing...
Unconsciously I felt I was really turning into a rat. Pathetic huh?

Well, that was just me.


Jesus has saved me!

Now I can shut up.
( no, not really shut up but can stop complaining about life)

This is just what i needed.

Being in Jesus is just what I needed to reign in this mad, fallen world.

an Unconditional love from Jesus
who inspite of my failures and misbehaving is always there ready to say
" Come to me. My yoke is easy.
Just Rest on me"

This truth I know is hard to decipher.

Because no one have really seen God or Jesus.

Me? I take it as Faith.

And this time, I'm using my Faith for good and for the right thing and person.

It really matters.

The world once decieved me by telling me,
" Believe in yourself. Have faith in yourself"
And honestly,
I was such a fool for believing.

Well , I am a lousy keeper and the truth is
without Jesus, I can do NOTHING!

I tried too much believing in myself that it almost took me my own life out of desperation.

Yes. I failed alot of times for trying to keep on believing in myself. Tsk!

Here's what I'm going to tell you.

Believing and trusting in Jesus is easier.
There's alot of peace, rest in it
and definitely, you'd be too blessed to be stress!

God says , " Have faith in me and be at REST. "

Is it the Only One thing that we ever needed?

To have Peace and be at REST?

-- Post From My iPhone

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