Friday, September 30, 2011

I Am Righteous in Christ!

I have read this in Joseph Prince' "Healing Promises" book
and I feel I need to share it here.

Let us all accept the fact that as a Christian, we can never be perfect.
Each waking hour of our lives could mean failure somewhere one way or the other.

But let's not allow these setbacks and human imperfections prevent
us from coming boldly to God.

The truth that Jesus is our righteousness is our REST.
If you come to realize this revelation and stand boldly on it,
it's gona change you and change your life. Because instead of feeling guilty of what you've done or too focus on your actions, you will become grateful for what JESUS has done.

Read more from Joseph Prince.

My friend, at the cross, Jesus did not just take away your sins, He also gave you His righteousnesss!
A divine exchange took place--- your sins for His righteousness. This means that, today, you are as righteous as Christ Himself--not because of your good works, but because of His finished work!

Place your hand over your heart right now and boldly declare:

I, (state your name), AM the rightousness of God in Christ!

Come on, say it out loud at least three times and believe it in your heart every day. If the enemy tells you, "You're a bad Christian and that's why you're sick," declare' "I AM RIGHTEOUS IN CHRIST!"

When you honor the work of the Son, you'll see Him arising "with healing in His wings" for every weakness, distress and pain!

- Joseph Prince

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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